78.5 F
October 24, 2024

Tag: susan mister

From My Perspective: Great is Thy Faithfulness

Faith is discussed in many Bible passages. I’m sure you are familiar with the phrase being justified by faith (Romans 5:1-2), salvation by grace...

From My Perspective: Lead us not into temptation

On this side of Heaven, we will all face temptation. We live in a fallen world with sin, evil and enticement around every corner....

From My Perspective: Come, Lord Jesus

Last month, I wrote about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This, along with recent sermons covering chapters in Revelation and an Eschatology class (study...

From My Perspective: Victory Over Death

Did you celebrate Easter last week with the hope that you have victory over the grave? Easter commemorates the most important event in human...

From My Perspective: Consuming fire

Fire...mentioned throughout the Bible with varied significance. My interest about fire peaked, recently, after a Daniel bible study. I learned about the courageous faith...

From My Perspective: He is risen!

A fundamental foundation for Christian believers is commemorated on Easter Sunday (John 11:24-26). Jesus Christ’s resurrection follows 40 days of reflection, atonement, sacrifices and...

From My Perspective: We are all grieving in the pandemic

By Susan Mister As I write this, it is the end of January, the season of gift giving is behind us, and yet, I have...

Volunteer group asks public to help write letters for the military

For nearly two decades, volunteers have packed boxes filled with goodies and shipped them to troops overseas, hoping to give them a taste of...

