music in the park, psychedelic furs

A handful of fundraisers benefitting Ascension Solorsano Middle School, Christopher and Gilroy high schools are happening in March and April. Check it out: 

Christopher High School: Golfers For Grads Tournament

Christopher high school advocates are tirelessly working to make sure their seniors get the memorable send off they deserve.The first annual Golfers for Grads Tournament benefitting CHS’s Sober Grad Night 2012 will take place April 20 at Eagle Ridge Golf Course, located at 2951 Club Dr. in Gilroy. Registration for the “scramble style” tournament will take place at 10 a.m. with tee time scheduled for 12 p.m. The cost is $149 per person and includes the greens fee, cart, range balls, box lunch and buffet dinner. Tickets for just the buffet dinner can be purchased for $40. There will be prizes for low net score, closest to the hole and the longest drive; in addition to a raffle. Hole sponsorships are available. The tournament needs 72 golfers, but right now “we are woefully undersubscribed,” said event organizer Matt Vignieri. For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Vignieri at (408) 623-6550 or email him at mv*******@gm***.com.

Christopher High School: Camaro raffle

CHS is selling $20 raffle tickets for a 2012 Chevy Camaro. Proceeds will directly support the first-ever CHS Sober Grad Night on June 1. Purchase tickets by clicking here.

Gilroy High School: Recycle E-Waste Fundraiser for Grad Night

An E-Waste and Shredding Fundraiser will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., April 14 in the GHS parking lot at 750 West 10th St. in Gilroy. Bring business and personal documents for shredding disposal at $8 per banker box. Televisions, monitors, laptops, flat screens, cell phones, ink jet cartridges and wire will be recycled for free. A handful of other electronics such as fax machines, printers, copiers, DVD players, VCR’s, video games and small appliances can be recycled for $5 each. Batteries are $3 a pound; the cost of recycling a microwave ranges from $15 to $30; fluorescent lamps are 25 cents and bulbs are 50 cents each. This is a one day event only. Checks should be made payable to “Gilroy HS – Grad Nite.” For more information, call (510) 590-7510 or see the corresponding flier attached in this article.  

Gilroy High School: Grad Night Golf Fundraiser

A golf fundraiser for GHS Grad Night will be held at 3 p.m., May 4 at the Gilroy Golf Course located at 2695 Hecker Pass Rd. Tickets are $70 and includes 9 holes and dinner afterwards. Dinner for non-golfers is $15 per person. There will also be a raffle prize and silent auction during the dinner. For any questions about donations or offers, email GH**************@gm***.com.

Gilroy High School: Support Grad Night, eat pie!

Purchase a Gizdich Pie through March 9 from any GHS senior or through the GHS Grad Night Committee by emailing GH**************@gm***.com. The pies are $15 each and are available in Apple, Pumpkin or Olallieberry. Proceeds will help fund the GHS Sober Grad Night. Orders are due March 9; pies are delivered March 29.

Gilroy High School and Ascension Solorsano Middle School: E-Waste Recycling Fundraiser

An E-Waste Recycling Fundraiser will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day) at the corner of First Street and Kelton Drive in Gilroy. The drive will benefit a student science camp, student promotions and teacher wish lists at Gilroy High School and Ascension Solorsano Middle School. Donors will be able to drive up and unload a number of unwanted office and electronic items (for a complete list of what is accepted and what not to bring, click on the E-Waste flier attached in this article). For questions or more information, contact the GHS Parents Club at (408) 568-8458.

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