Nobody is boo-ing Gilroy Gardens Halloween Nights
Gilroy Gardens new Halloween Nights program faced a tough challenge: how to be entertaining for adults and not too scary for young kids.
You can help rebuild Sonoma
A fund has been established to send contributions directly to community-based efforts to aid victims of this week’s catastrophic Sonoma and Napa fires.
Charter schools make the grade
Test scores at local charter schools soared in the last statewide tests, while the majority of students in local public schools fell below the state standards in math and science.
Guest Column: An Old Time Gilroyan Speaks Out
A longtime Gilroy resident weighs in on the city’s future
101 and still going strong
The Gilroy City Council honored Ted Carpenetti, who celebrated his 101st birthday on September 17 and was instrumental in building Christmas Hill Park.
Gilroy students get failing grades
Only 40 percent of the students in the Gilroy Unified School District meet or surpass state standards in math and 48 percent in English, according to a statewide report released this week of 2017 test scores.
Great Wolf, Great Mystery
As of Wednesday, a deal between the Gilroy and Great Wolf Lodge had slipped away.
Where will we house people?
Gilroy leaders worried last week about having a place for their children to live and work.