Santa Clara County's new fire chief Kenneth Kehmna.

Kenneth R. Kehmna, a deputy chief Santa Clara County Fire
Department, was appointed to fire chief by the board of supervisors
Kehmna has 23 years of fire service experience and began his
career as a firefighter with the city of Campbell in 1987.
Kenneth R. Kehmna, a deputy chief Santa Clara County Fire Department, was appointed to fire chief by the board of supervisors today.

Kehmna has 23 years of fire service experience and began his career as a firefighter with the city of Campbell in 1987. 

Since 2007, Kehmna held the post of deputy chief, first in charge of operations and in 2009 in charge of training. As deputy chief of operations, he managed the four department battalions and the fire investigation division and while in charge of training, he managed all training activities to ensure firefighter readiness.  

“Chief Kehmna brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position of fire chief,” said board President Dave Cortese. “He is intimately familiar with fire service in Santa Clara County and dedicated to providing high-level quality services to our community.” 

From 2005 to 2007, Kehmna was battalion chief for the county; from August 2004 to May 2005, he served as training captain and fire captain from February 2000 to August 2004. In 1993, county fire assumed responsibility for providing fire services to Campbell, bringing Kehmna and his colleagues from the city into the Santa Clara County Fire Department.

The Santa Clara County Fire Department is a California Fire Protection District serving the county and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill and Saratoga. County Fire functions as a regional emergency services delivery system, partnering with other local jurisdictions to provide a high level of service and to supplement the services of smaller communities.

Kehmna values building and maintaining strong cooperative relationships with regional public safety partners and working closely with local governments in the county. Kehmna continues to serve on the state training and education advisory committee providing policy review for the State Fire Marshal and final review of all State Fire Training course curricula. Kehmna also serves on the FIRESCOPE CICCS Task Force assisting with continuous development of the California Incident Command Certification System.

Throughout his management career, he has provided leadership by coaching and mentoring others. He also worked closely with the recently retired Fire Chief and represented County Fire at the regional and statewide level working closely with the California Emergency Management Association and Cal Fire.

Kehmna completed his Master of Science degree in Executive Fire Service Leadership from Grand Canyon University in 2009. He graduated with honors and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management from Saint Mary’s College in 1999. He also has an Associate of Science degree in Fire Science from Mission College.

“I will do my very best to preserve the proud lineage of leadership that has been the hallmark of this Department,” he said. “I am excited about our future and confident that the outstanding relationship we have with labor will continue as we face new challenges and opportunities together in the coming years.”

His appointment as Fire Chief is effective May 16 and he will be paid $214,687. Kehmna and his wife Ginger reside in San Jose and have two children, a 15-year-old son John and 14-year-old daughter Hannah.

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