music in the park, psychedelic furs

High School summer schools applications now available
– Gilroy High and Mt. Madonna High summer school program
applications are available at the student services office at Gilroy
High and at the main office at Mt. Madonna. Summer school
registration is conducted on a first come first serve bases;
classes are filling quickly. The deadline for registra
tion is Friday, May 30. The program will be held at Gilroy High.
All first semester classes start Monday, June 23, at 8 a.m.
Details: John Perales at 842-4313 ext. 4949.
Attend Family Fun Fest

GILROY – Gilroy Community Services is holding its Third Annual Friends and Family Fun Fest for the developmentally disabled on Saturday, May 24, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Las Animas Veterans Park. This event is for children and adults with a developmental disabilities and their friends and families to share a day filled with fun and excitement. The event is free for participants with special needs and includes limited carnival games, unlimited jump houses and games, lunch and a T-shirt. A fun band may be purchased for $5 for non-developmentally disabled persons and excludes lunch and T-shirt. All participants must register before May 21. Details: 846-0460.

Bingo and a barbecue

GILROY – The Gilroy Rotary Club presents the Gilroy Senior Center Barbecue on Saturday, May 31, at Christmas Hill Park. Activities include bingo at 10 a.m., linedancing at 11 a.m., lunch at noon. Pick up free tickets at the Gilroy Senior Center. Tickets are limited and May be picked up through May 23.

March down Monterey

GILROY – The IFDES Portuguese Lodge will sponsor a parade on Sunday, May 25. The parade begins at 10 a.m. at the Lodge on 250 Old Gilroy St. and will march down Monterey St. toward St. Mary Church for 11:30 a.m. mass. At 1 p.m., the parade will proceed back to the lodge on the same route for a traditional Soupas meal. Details:


Night at the ‘movies’

GILROY – Tickets are now on sale for the South Valley Symphony’s “POPS” concert, scheduled for Saturday, May 31, at 8 p.m. at the Gavilan College theater. This year’s concert will feature the South Valley Youth Orchestra teaming up with the symphony in three selections from the motion picture industry’s most memorable films. Tickets can be purchased at Snappy Photo at 785 First St., California Music Company and Porcella’s Music and Accessories. Prices are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors age 55 and up and $7 for students age 12 to 18. Children under 12 will be admitted free of charge when accompanied by a paid adult.

Summer school at St. Mary

GILROY – Saint Mary School is offering a Summer Academy in a safe, secure environment, staffed by enthusiastic and energetic teachers for students entering kindergarten through sixth grades. Reading and math skills will be integrated into the theme, “Exploring the Forest Wonderlands.”The program runs June 23 through July 18 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Saint Mary School classrooms. A $50 deposit per child holds your spot; the remaining $285 per student is due Sunday, June 1. Contact the school office at 842-2827 for more information or an application.

July 4 grand marshal

MORGAN HILL – The Independence Day Parade committee is proud to name as Grand Marshal, 104-year-old Gerald Lewis, World War I and II veteran for the 2003 Morgan Hill/Santa Clara County Fourth of July – Independence Day Parade. Military personnel who served in the ongoing Iraqi war will also be honored. Contact the parade committee at

779-3387 if you know of any service personnel returning who would be available on July 4. Details – or to volunteer – on the Independence Day celebration (July 3-4) are at or 779-3387.

Caltrain holiday schedule

SAN JOSE – Caltrain will operate on a holiday schedule for Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, with 20 trains between San Francisco and San Jose. Train service will not operate south of the Tamien station in San Jose. Because of ongoing construction along the Caltrain right of way, rail service is not available on the holiday weekend. Caltrain provides limited alternative bus service on Route RRX. Details: or

(800) 660-4287.

Cause of fire determined

MORGAN HILL – A 3 a.m. fire on April 26 in a home under construction at 16100 DeWitt Ave. was determined to be accidental, according to California Department of Forestry Fire Prevention Chief Steve Espe.

An investigation by Curt Itson revealed that the fire started in the garage of the home. The fire was ruled accidental because, Espe said, “We were unable to eliminate the use of organic staining material. If it’s organic, it can spontaneously combust if the rags are not properly stored in an airtight metal container.”

Damage to the 5,000-square-foot home, which Espe said was approximately 60 percent destroyed, was estimated at $1.4 million. No one was living in the home at the time of the fire.

Help donate to Grad Night

GILROY – “Grad Night,” a safe all-night lock-in for graduating seniors at Gilroy High School, is looking for donations and merchandise. This is a wonderful way to reward high school graduates for a job well done and encourage them to stay safe on graduation night. Approximately $40,000 is needed to put on the event; students and parents have raised about half that amount. If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation toward this unforgettable night for the seniors, call Jody Yusim at 848-2405.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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