music in the park, psychedelic furs

Learn Haiku from published poets
Gilroy – A

Writing and Enjoying Haiku Workshop

will be held at the Gilroy Library on Wednesday, April 27, at
4pm. Meet poet June Hopper Hymas, former Gilroy Community
Librarian, and artist/poet Patricia Machmiller.
Learn Haiku from published poets

Gilroy – A “Writing and Enjoying Haiku Workshop” will be held at the Gilroy Library on Wednesday, April 27, at 4pm. Meet poet June Hopper Hymas, former Gilroy Community Librarian, and artist/poet Patricia Machmiller.

Both are published poets and members of the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society of Northern California.

Details: Gilroy Library at 842-8208 or visit

Avoid 10 deadly ‘sins’ of customer service

Gilroy – Learn why customer service skills are so important, the keys to quality service and the 10 deadly “sins” of customer service. Gain the tools to deal with challenging customers and good customer service strategies and much, much more.

The workshop will be held on Wednesday, April 27, from 10am to noon at the Gavilan College SBDC offices located in the Dry Creek Village at 8351 Church Street, Bldg. E. The cost for this 2-hour workshop is $20 payable in advance or at the door.

Due to limited space please call in advance to pre-register 847-0373.

Spaghetti dinner benefits Gilroy FFA

Gilroy – The Gilroy FFA Booster’s will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner, Friday, April 29, at the San Martin Lion’s Club. Take-out orders will start at 5pm and dinner will be served at 5:30pm.

Tickets are available at the door, adults $6 and $3 for children 10 years and under.

Details: Joan Pires 848-3938.

‘Rocky Horror’ continues at Gavilan

Gilroy – Gavilan College Theater Arts, 5055 Santa Teresa Blvd., presents “The Rocky Horror Show” on Fridays and Saturdays, April 29 and 30 at 8pm. Saturday night performances are participation nights.

The performance on April 23 will feature a sign language interpreter. Cost is only $12 for adults, $10 for students and $8 for kids 12 and under.

The Rocky Horror Show is an adult show and parental discretion is strongly advised.

For tickets call 846-4973 or visit

Win savings bond at Ag trivia contest for kids

San Jose – If you’re between the fourth and eighth grades and know that the difference between a peach and a nectarine is just a single gene, or know the difference between Guernsey and Holstein cows, sign up to be crowned the California Grown Whiz Kid.

The first Be Californian Bee is a trivia contest for kids who love agriculture and what to learn more about farming. The local competition is Saturday, May 7, at Albertsons, 5510 Monterey Highway, San Jose.

Savings bonds in the amounts of $500, $250 and $150 will be awarded and the winner will move on to the championship round and a chance to win a $5,000 bond a trip to Disney’s California Adventure.

The first 100 students who register are eligible to participate. Registration begins at 8am and the competition starts at 10am.


Defibrillators in schools, says Salinas

Sacramento – A resolution introduced by Assemblyman Simón Salinas (D-Salinas) Tuesday urges all California schools to obtain defibrillators that can save victims of cardiac arrest.

Salinas called the automatic external defibrillator program a “simple solution to a life threatening problem.”

Gilroy has a Public Access Defibrillator program in place, with four of the portable machines in public buildings such as City Hall. Nearly all city staffers have been trained to use the defibrillators, although training isn’t required, and administer CPR.

Defibrillators automatically administer an electric shock to reset a normal heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest, which causes an abnormal rhythm. The chances of survival following sudden cardiac arrest improve dramatically the sooner a defibrillator is used.

Send news items to City Editor Robert Airoldi. FAX to 842-2206, mail to Gilroy Dispatch, 6400 Monterey Road, Gilroy, CA 95020, or e-mail ed****@ga****.com.

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