The following individuals and organizations deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
The following individuals and organizations deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:

CHEERS: For the Rotary Club/Goldmsith Seeds flower sale Saturday morning on Hecker Pass at Goldsmith’s world headquarters. Get up early and get the very best. The flowers are amazing. The scholarship funds are local. Festivities start at 8 a.m. at 2280 Hecker Pass Highway.

CHEERS: For the decision by the administration at Gilroy High School to halt lunchtime food deliveries to students. It’s rather embarrassing that it was allowed at all. Food deliveries for students at a 1,000-plus high school? That’s disruptive by definition.

JEERS: For the Gilroy City Council, which handed out federal grant money aimed at providing food and shelter to the needy to some dubious projects. It’s the Council’s job to sift through the applications and award money based on merit. Councilman Bob Dillon rightfully called into question three grant applications that were systems oriented not, as he said, related to “putting beans on the plate.” Gilroy’s grant money should go to local organizations that produce tangible results related to food and shelter. Period. End of story.

JEERS: For the Gilroy Unified School District’s half-hearted attempt to solicit comments from parents in order to help form its next Strategic Plan. The Web site documents related to the Strategic Plan are dripping with educational jargon and the process starts with a 20-minute slide show. Get real. The response to that will be predictable and miniscule.

JEERS: For the idea that the city should pay to patrol the private streets of Eagle Ridge. The developer made the original trade-off with the city: build the streets to a lesser standard and save huge sums on infrastructure costs and the city can save the cost of police patrol. If Eagle Ridge residents want the city to patrol their private streets, open the gate and make the streets public or pay the cost of patrol. Private streets, private patrols. Public streets, public patrols. This is not a difficult equation.

CHEERS: For the new Cinelux Theaters, which opened in Morgan Hill last weekend. South Valley now has a good number of options for movie entertainment with up-to-date amenities in Gilroy and Morgan Hill.

CHEERS: For Glen View School’s 50th anniversary celebration Wednesday. Elementary school days are often cherished memories, and it’s indicative of Gilroy’s community spirit that the school staff, under the fine direction of teacher Colleen Maggiolo, put on such a warm, well attended tribute.

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