This letter is dedicated to anyone reading my thinking aloud tirade.

I have been a hardheaded Harry S. Truman Democrat since I was a first-year student at Gilroy High!

However, I have had the privilege of working on election campaigns and being a staff member for some fine Republicans whose love of country has never been challenged. Among those are Congressman Pete McCloskey and Congressman Tom Campbell.

I have always thought that the party is secondary to the needs of our country. Liz Cheney is one of these Republicans. Even though I do not agree with her voting record, I admire her love and affirmation of our Constitution. We need more official representatives who hold fast to their love of country and uphold the promise they make when sworn into office: Defend the Constitution and abide by its principles.

Our country is going through a period of testing to see if we will abide by the rule of law or rule of a despotic being. I know that the rule of law will prevail, and so do you, because we are One Nation Under God!

In closing let me say that the rule of law is the law of our Creator and there is no one above our Creator.

Edward Sanchez


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