54.3 F
March 11, 2025

Letter: Re-elect me for council

As you prepare to vote in this election, I encourage you to choose someone who has consistently led with integrity, dedication and hard work—someone with a proven track record. I am proud to say that I don’t rely on attacking others because my actions...

Letters: Political endorsements

Experience & leadership I support re-electing Marie Blankley as Gilroy Mayor. As a long time Gilroy resident (37-plus years), it has been great having her represent us. No hidden agendas, she listens to both sides before making a decision that she feels best serves the...

Letter: Homelessness a key issue

Homelessness a key issue in Gilroy election Early on and after the 2020 election, Gilroy City Council Woman Rebeca Armendariz strongly urged that Gilroy use Christmas Hill Park, and other Gilroy parks, for housing the homeless, in essence creating massive tent cities across Gilroy.  At the...

Letters: Gilroy’s mayoral election

Integrity to do what is right As a lifelong resident of Gilroy, public safety has always been one of the most important city services to me. Gilroy, like many cities throughout California, has had to accept a declining level of service from public safety because...

Letter: Public safety sales tax measure is worth it

Hello Gilroy! On your ballots this November will be Measure C, a request for a quarter of a cent sales tax that will generate about $4.5 million annually for Gilroy’s Police and Fire Departments. Why does Gilroy need this added revenue? Because we can’t...

Letter: Gilroy business PAC announces endorsements

The Gilroy Business Political Action Committee or (GILPAC) Committee, a legislative arm of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce announces the following endorsements for 2024 local City of Gilroy positions: Mayor: Marie BlankleyCity Council Members: Terence Fugazzi, Kelly Ramirez, Fred Tovar  The GILPAC committee is made up...

Letters: Candidate endorsements

Civic vision hailed I recommend Greg Bozzo for Gilroy Mayor because he is a natural leader rather than a professional politician. Greg Bozzo has the management skills and talents needed to lead our community.  Greg Bozzo is bilingual and a good listener who makes an effort...

Letter: Proud to support

I have been a resident of Gilroy for more than 44 years and known Marie Blankley for more than 35 years. Marie does not give up when she commits to a goal. I’ve seen her volunteer as a board member for the Gilroy Chamber...

Letter: Gilroy lacks leadership needed to help homeless

As a long-time Gilroyan and local business owner, the dysfunctional nature of Gilroy City Hall is extremely frustrating. The poor customer service is not limited to those of us in the business community, however.  Citizens, nonprofit organizations, property owners, city employees and other local, governmental...

Letter: He has respect

My name is Ann Marie McCauley and I have been a resident and business owner in Gilroy for 20 years. In January 2023 I started attending city council meetings to better understand Gilroy’s government.  I was shocked to see how few people attended and became...

