67.9 F
March 8, 2025

Letter: No-cost mattress disposal exists for Gilroy residents

In response to “Gilroy needs accessible mattress disposal site” (Gilroy Dispatch, Letters, Jan. 8), The Mattress Recycling Council’s Bye Bye Mattress program shares the author’s enthusiasm for establishing a permanent collection site in the city. Our staff is working diligently to make this possible...

Letter: This is what makes Gilroy a great place to live

On Jan. 20 around 9am, I was walking dogs at Miller and Fourth. I noticed a set of keys lying in the street. I picked them up and saw that they included a Lexus key and home or office keys.  I called the police emergency...

Guest View, Marie Blankley: VTA’s 10-year outlook still threatens local streets and roads

By Marie Blankley On Jan. 7, Valley Transportation Authority staff presented the VTA Board with a revised Draft 10-year Vision that allocates 2016 Measure B revenue among the categories of projects to be funded by Measure B over the next 10 years. Among these projects...

Guest View, Peter Leroe-Muñoz: Recommitting to the people

By Peter Leroe-Muñoz The recent Capitol insurrection was an assault on American Democracy. Images of angry mobs, incited by the President’s baseless claims of electoral fraud, splashed across screens around the globe. As a local policymaker, I’m left wondering: what role can communities play in...

Letter: Gilroy needs accessible mattress disposal site

The State of California has a program called Bye Bye Mattress. It allows anyone to drop off waste mattresses and box springs at disposal sites. The state charges a fee on the sale of every new mattress to pay for the program.  Gilroy does not...

Editorial: Our Annual Holiday Poem 2020

’Twas a dark December night in Olde Gilroy, Boys and girls locked at home and quite annoyed. For Gavin once again laid the hammer down, ‘Masks violate my rights,” they frowned. Scotty’s and Porcella’s joined the Collective Past, Clocks and Collectibles stopped ticking just as fast. Covid-19 infected more than...

Letter: VTA refuses to change

When Don Gage was chair of VTA, it won "Worst in the Nation" Status from the MIT Study of all the Nation's Transit Agencies.  Despite three Grand Jury indictments, they refuse to change. It's darn the torpedoes—full steam ahead. They worship Emperor Transit First, despite...

Memo from Pastor Kang: What do you see at night?

By Hwapyoung Kang I am Hwapyoung Kang, the first native South Korean senior pastor to serve the Gilroy United Methodist Church, which was established in Gilroy in 1853. I believe I can now say that I am a 2.5-year-old Korean-Gilroyan, because I have experienced the...

Editorial: We’re number one—unfortunately

This week, the rate of Covid-19 cases in Gilroy shot up to a new level, reaching 6,422 cases per 100,000 people. That’s the highest rate of any city in Santa Clara County, a statistic of which Gilroy should not be proud. By comparison, Morgan...

Guest View, Victor Gomez: Sue-happy California ranks third worst

By Victor Gomez In my 17 years as a central coast franchise owner, I was always grateful for my community and the passion they had for supporting local family-owned businesses. Locally owned businesses, whether franchises or independent, are the backbone of our local and statewide...

