Everyone in South County is invited to Faith of our Neighbors, an educational program presented by the Interfaith CommUNITY of South County (ICSC) and the Interfaith Clergy Alliance.
In this series, the focus is on the ways different faiths acknowledge and celebrate lifecycles, including birth, coming of age, marriage and death. The event, of interest to older children and teens as well as adults, will take place from 3-5pm Sept. 22 at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center, 17000 Monterey Road in Morgan Hill.

The first in the series, held last spring, was about Buddhism. This month Islam is featured. Hosted by members of the Islamic Community of South County, the presentation will be followed by questions and answers from the participants, moderated by representative Morgan Hill and Gilroy clergy. Socializing and refreshments will follow.
Faith of our Neighbors was first introduced several years ago, as different faiths were explored in their own houses of worship. This series continues that educational opportunity to become aware of our differences and similarities, and meet our neighbors of all faiths. Judaism will be presented March 2, 2025.
The Interfaith CommUNITY invites everyone, of all faiths or no faiths, to this program. To learn more about interfaith activities in South County and this program, contact [email protected] or visit the website ICSCfaith.org.
Rabbi Debbie Israel is a founding member of the Interfaith Clergy Alliance of South County and the liaison to the Interfaith CommUNITY of South County (ICSC). She is Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Emeth and a community rabbi of Santa Cruz County.