Gift card website launches for Gilroy businesses
With many businesses closed due to the shelter-in-place order, some, such as restaurants, are relying on delivery orders. Others, meanwhile, are counting on online purchases, if they have such an option available.
But there is one source of revenue—gift cards—that many are missing out on...
Gov. Newsom lays out plan to loosen stay-at-home order
Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday said he will revisit the statewide stay-at-home order in two weeks if the curve of COVID-19 cases in California is not only “flattening” but “declining.”
That does not mean the order will be completely lifted, Newsom said, but certain aspects...
Rivas introduces farmworker relief package
With California farms facing labor shortages, grocers experiencing empty shelves because of logistical bottlenecks, and many of the state's up to one million farmworkers lacking access to health care, Assemblymember Robert Rivas (D-Hollister) introduced legislation on April 9 to protect the health, safety and...
Council approves interim administrator contract
Jimmy Forbis experienced something not many public officials have done on their first day in a new role.
On March 13, the day Gilroy’s former City Administrator Gabriel Gonzalez left the position, Forbis issued a local emergency declaration in his first official action as interim...
Gilroy Unified moves forward with redistricting
The Gilroy Unified School District last week announced that electing board members in the November 2020 elections will be much different this year.
The Gilroy Unified Board of Trustees will be by trustee area instead of the current at-large citywide elections, which allows voters the...
County: 24 cases confirmed in Gilroy
Newly released data show that dozens of cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in South County, but health officials noted that residents should “behave as if the virus is everywhere.”
Pizzeria donates to first responders
The amount of work the staff at St. Louise Regional Hospital puts in 24/7 is exhausting, to say the least, but those on the front lines know how critical their role is during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thankfully, the first responders, doctors, nurses, support staff and...
PHOTO: View from the sky
Many have seen the economic impacts of California’s shelter-in-place order from the ground in the form of empty parking lots and minimal traffic. But the view from the air paints a much more drastic picture.
Julie and Pat Belanger, owners of The 111th Group...
Dispatch earns top honors
The Gilroy Dispatch’s coverage of the Gilroy Garlic Festival mass shooting netted the newspaper a pair of first-place awards in the California News Publishers Association’s annual California Journalism Awards.
The Dispatch, competing in the weekly newspaper circulation of 11,001-25,000 category, received first place in Breaking...
LETTER: Ban leaf blowers during school hours
I would like to advocate for banning leaf blowers during school hours while the shelter-in-place requirement is in effect.
Many Gilroy homes have schoolchildren and college students relying on distance learning, and the noise of leaf blowers operating outdoors within a few hundred feet makes...