44.4 F
March 13, 2025

Letter: Adding jobs, growing wages

What would you like our government to do about: • The concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few? • Protection for small businesses? • Workers’ ability to negotiate? • Promoting job growth? • Promoting the growth of jobs with good pay for those without college...

Letter: Anyone can help a shelter dog

Your article about the San Martin Shelter (Gilroy Dispatch, Jan. 13) accurately described the dire situation at shelters across the nation. Very few people know that dogs can be taken out for a field trip! Not all dog lovers can adopt or foster, but...

Letter: Bright, massive billboard has no place in Gilroy

I want to make the public aware that on Thursday, Jan. 19 at 6pm, the Gilroy Planning Commission will be considering whether to modify our sign ordinance to permit digital electronic billboards. Although the staff report says that the 80-foot high, 30-by-22.5-foot LED billboard where...

Letter: Recall effort speaks volumes

The Committee to Recall Rebeca Armendariz would like to thank the community of Gilroy for its support of the recent recall effort. On Oct. 31, 2021, at a party held at the home of City Councilmember Rebeca Armendariz, shots were fired that resulted in the...

Letter: Public transit is affordable and smart

I see you guys still need the opinions of Joe Thompson (Gilroy Dispatch, Dec. 2). Why, I ask? He is the one that wanted people to get a new car! That’s the sort of person I thought you guys didn’t like. I guess I...

Letter: Respecting veterans

It was a very nice day for a parade. The sky was a beautiful blue with a smattering of lily white clouds. The participants were all dressed to represent the corp to which they gave their time and effort. The people of Gilroy turned out and applauded...

Letter: Public transit is a black hole

It is difficult for taxpayers to have a happy anything, Thanksgiving Day, or otherwise, when we are being forced to subsidize bankrupt boondoggle public sector transit with our gas taxes. Seniors like my 101-year-old Mom, who’s quarantined with Covid, cannot afford to pay for gas,...

Letter: Which party is better for America?

Polls leading up to the recent election reported much of the public thinks the Republican Party handles the economy better. That’s not my opinion after reading "Letters from an American,” a daily newsletter from Heather Cox Richardson, professor of American History who has taught...

Letter: Democracy is still alive

Congrats to the new Gilroy City Council elects and thank you to all the candidates for making the decision to run; having choices on our ballot means democracy is still alive. I know that this new Council will stay committed to solving the top...

Letter: Recognizing Cesar Chavez in Gilroy

fred tovar cesar andres chavez gilroy city council
In a historic vote on Monday, Nov. 7, I along with the Gilroy City Council unanimously approved a resolution to honor Cesar Chavez Day as a recognized and observed holiday for the City of Gilroy! I was honored to have championed the resolution to set...

