Another record-breaking weather weekend in Gilroy
Gilroy once again broke heat records during a sweltering Labor Day weekend.
According to the National Weather Service Bay Area, Gilroy was expected to hit 109 degrees on Sept. 7, well above the previous record of 103 in 1977.
The city tied its record of 104...
Group rescues animals from California wildfires
In 2012, Lisa Jewett watched as a fire tore through her Hollister home, burning everything she owned to ashes.
She was fortunate to get her daughter and horses to safety. But with the nightgown she was wearing her only surviving possession, Jewett was homeless for...
Gavilan reports Covid-19 case on campus
Gavilan College learned over the weekend that someone who had been working on campus tested positive for Covid-19, forcing the college to do a deep cleaning before it can reopen its doors.
College spokesperson Jan Bernstein-Chargin said they reported the most recent case to Santa...
Child dies in San Martin traffic accident
A toddler died last weekend after he was struck by a vehicle that was backing out of a driveway in San Martin, according to authorities.
Suspected ‘Boogaloo boy’ back in court Oct. 5
Gilroy resident Alan Viarengo, who is accused of repeatedly threatening Santa Clara County’s public health officer over Covid-19 policies, did not enter a plea at a Sept. 1 hearing at the San Jose Hall of Justice.
Group eyes recreational opportunities
Could Gilroy become a recreation destination?
That is the focus of a recently-formed group that has tasked itself with identifying ways to grow the city’s assets and elevate its status as a visitor destination.
The Gilroy Economic Development Partnership, which held its first meeting in March,...
Gilroy man accused of ‘Boogaloo’ affiliation
Gilroy resident Alan Viarengo, who taught math at Gavilan College for nearly 20 years, was arrested last week on suspicion of stalking and threatening Santa Clara County’s public health officer, and police say he has ties to the anti-government domestic terrorist group known as “Boogaloo.”
CCW defendants seek to disqualify DA
Four defendants in an alleged CCW bribery scheme have filed a motion to take Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen off the case.
Covid-19: South County remains a hotspot
South County continues to be a local hotspot for the Covid-19 illness, as the region’s case rate per 100,000 residents continues to outpace other cities in Santa Clara County.
Census deadline approaching
Roughly 30 percent of Gilroy households have not yet completed the 2020 Census questionnaire, United States Census Bureau data shows.
With less than a month to go before the deadline, 70.6 percent of Gilroy households have completed the questionnaire, compared to 72 percent in 2010,...