39.6 F
March 10, 2025

Join 4-H!

Congratulations to the new youth executive board of San Martin 4-H Club. With this great youth team, our club will strive for a successful year. The executive board will keep the meetings running smoothly and plan fun events for our members to enjoy throughout...

Reinforcing the future

Last month I was invited to photograph remnants from Gilroy’s past, several fragments of circus posters from the 1800s revealed when rafters were exposed during renovations at 7533 Monterey Street, once the home of Mafalda’s Bridal Shop. As the circuses involved operated in the...

Moon landing saved Joe

On July 20, 1969—50 years ago—a team of about five American soldiers was surrounded by what seemed like hundreds of Vietnamese. As the enemy closed in, all the brave Americans could do was hunker down and wait for the inevitable—scared,  as flashbacks of home...

We shall overcome

The Gilroy Unified School District has been working cooperatively with the Gilroy Police Department since the tragic shooting occurred. Multiple school facilities have been made available for evacuations, space for law enforcement to use as they see fit and housing for people who couldn’t...

Gilroy, stay strong

Gilroy is where my home and businesses are located. My family and lifelong friends also have their families, lives, homes and businesses in the Garlic Capital of the World. We are a close-knit community. My family and I volunteer at the Garlic Festival to help raise...

Sidewalks need repairs

It looks like the City of Gilroy isn’t as stable as we thought it was. They are now considering diverting funds to the police department from the recreation department. That’s a good idea, since all the cameras in the police parking lot are out of...

Villas on the Park

In response to your editorial titled “Unshackle Measure A,” by the end of this year Villas on the Park will be finished. Located in downtown San Jose, the project will house 83 people who were formerly homeless. Villas is one of the first supportive housing...

High-Speed Rail is monstrosity

Here is my comment on your Bullet Train article on May 10, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad, Golden Spike Ceremony: I was disturbed by your lack of fair treatment of both sides of the issue. Your article failed...

Support pump track

Our nonprofit organization is beginning its fundraising drive to create an approved bicycle pump track in Gilroy. The Gilroy City Council last October allowed Garlic City BMX to start planning and seeking donations toward the track, set to be built within Christmas Hill Park. Garlic City...

Black Hole Bullet Train

Well of course we understand why those who reap the money from the ill-advised Supermassive Black Hole Bullet Train keep on rolling, churning up work to justify their salaries, etc., but why do local leaders allow the taxpayers to be abused by them? Who...

