97.9 F
September 7, 2024

Letter: Development is ruining Gilroy’s hometown feel

We read in horror of the proposals for Gilroy Gardens. It was a sanctuary for us and our now 10-year-old. She learned about trees and about the natural world that surrounds her. She got to ride a mushroom, twirl in a strawberry and wait...

Letter to the Editor: Airport pollution a concern

I’m writing to the Gilroy Dispatch and Morgan Hill Times to commend Michael Moore's reporting about the San Martin Airport. The articles were well-written and provided much-needed information about the potential consequences of airport expansion plans.  Regularly visiting a retirement home on Church Avenue near...

Letters: Quarry would destroy critical ecosystem

Quarry would destroy critical ecosystem Just outside of Gilroy, Sargent Ranch is home to critical plant and animal life. Yet the land was purchased in auction by an investor group located in San Diego. The group is bent on building an open sand and gravel...

Letter: No-cost mattress disposal exists for Gilroy residents

In response to “Gilroy needs accessible mattress disposal site” (Gilroy Dispatch, Letters, Jan. 8), The Mattress Recycling Council’s Bye Bye Mattress program shares the author’s enthusiasm for establishing a permanent collection site in the city. Our staff is working diligently to make this possible...

Letter: This is what makes Gilroy a great place to live

On Jan. 20 around 9am, I was walking dogs at Miller and Fourth. I noticed a set of keys lying in the street. I picked them up and saw that they included a Lexus key and home or office keys.  I called the police emergency...

Letter: Gilroy needs accessible mattress disposal site

The State of California has a program called Bye Bye Mattress. It allows anyone to drop off waste mattresses and box springs at disposal sites. The state charges a fee on the sale of every new mattress to pay for the program.  Gilroy does not...

Letter: VTA refuses to change

When Don Gage was chair of VTA, it won "Worst in the Nation" Status from the MIT Study of all the Nation's Transit Agencies.  Despite three Grand Jury indictments, they refuse to change. It's darn the torpedoes—full steam ahead. They worship Emperor Transit First, despite...

Letter: Pay tribute to Scotty’s

We are long-time customers of more than 20 years who loved Scotty’s Restaurant. We feel that there should be way more tribute to owner Gracie and her beloved husband who has passed. My husband and I are approaching our 60s now. Unfortunately, there are not...

Letter: Thanks for keeping horses safe

It is more than heartening what two organizations did for total strangers. It is something with which we would like to associate individuals.

Letters to the Editor, Sept. 17: Listen to the voters, America will be strong again

Listen to the voters I completely agree with the letter written to the Gilroy Dispatch by Bill O’Connor, “Accept the voters’ voices,” dated Sept. 11, 2020. With the approximately 20,000 city-wide voters that will vote for members of the City Council and Mayor on Nov. 3,...

